Optimal reproductive values

What is the objective for Dairy and Beef herds?

Main reproductive parameters Dairy Beef   Average calvingGiving birth to a calf. index in herds
CalvingGiving birth to a calf. index (C.l.) 12 to 13 months 12 months
Average calving index
CalvingGiving birth to a calf.-to-conception interval (Cal-Con)  < 15%  higher than 120 days < 110 days
1st AI success rate > 40% > 50 %
Cows with a 1st AI-to-2nd AI interval between 19 and 23 days > 50% Usually not tracked
Requiring a 3rd AI or more < 15 % More than 70% should be 
pregnant before the middle 
of the breeding season in herds with seasonal calvings
AI per pregnant cow 1.8 to 2.5* 1.5 to 2.0
Culled due to infertility < 6% < 8%

* Intensive HYDC farms: 2

What is the objective in heifers?

Main reproduction parameters Heifers
Actively cycling by 15 months old 95%
Weight when served for the 1st time 60% of adult weight (i.e. 400 kg at 15 months)
Body condition 2.5*
Mean daily weight gain 700 to 800 g/day
Age at 1st calvingGiving birth to a calf. 24 months
Conception rate 60 to 65%

 * on 0 to 5 scale

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