Problems during the calving process

The calvingGiving birth to a calf. period has a significant impact on the cow’s future fertilityAbility of a living organism to reproduce. From a zootechnical point of view: ability to give birth to a calf, a lamb, a goat or a piglet.. Any interference during calvingGiving birth to a calf. process such as a difficult calvingGiving birth to a calf., retain placenta, etc., will most likely cause delays in the return to cyclicityCharacterizes what is cyclical: returns to regular intervals and is repeated in a cycle. Return to cyclicity is highly important in the post-partum phase..

The main factors related to parturition that may influence the time when cyclicityCharacterizes what is cyclical: returns to regular intervals and is repeated in a cycle. Return to cyclicity is highly important in the post-partum phase. is resumed are:











In your opinion...

What is the effect of uterine pathology on the calvingGiving birth to a calf.-to-conception interval?
Do body condition score and calvingGiving birth to a calf. difficulty have an influence on the pregnancy rate in beef cows?

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